better listener = better seller 🗣️

Improve your active listening skills

Daily Sales Newsletter

June 25, 2024


Hey, this is SalesDaily. It delivers sales insights like pouring coffee into your cup – strong, invigorating, and ready to get things done.

In today’s issue:

  • Suraj Sharma: Follow this simple rule

  • Haris Halkic: 7 Steps to active listening

  • Dounia Gassa: How she improved her skills

  • Samantha Keith: Mistakes to avoid

Follow this simple rule

Develop this amazing skill - it’s worth it!

Suraj Sharma: Have you ever wondered why your closing rate isn't as high as you'd like? The problem likely lies in how you structure your sales conversations. Follow this simple rule: Ask first, listen second, act third, and watch your closing rate improve.

Let's break it down:

1. Ask

Start by asking the right discovery questions upfront. Don’t dive into your pitch immediately. Find out where they are now, where they want to be, and what’s stopping them from getting there. Your offer should directly address that obstacle.

2. Listen

Listen intently to their responses. Practice becoming an active listener who can remember and repeat their exact words. Aim to retell their story from their perspective. That’s when you know you’re truly listening.

3. Act

Take control and shape the conversation. Position yourself as a trusted advisor, like a doctor to a patient. Solve their pain points and guide them to your solution.

Free course on active listening

I discovered the free course "Active Listening: Enhancing Communication Skills" on Coursera, taught by Hector Sandoval. This beginner-level course offers flexible learning at your own pace.

In just 4 hours, you'll learn the fundamental principles of active listening, practical techniques for meaningful conversations, and how to interpret nonverbal cues. The course also covers improving relationships through active listening in conflict resolution and navigating cross-cultural communication.

How Dounia improved her listening skills

Dounia Gassa discovered her poor listening skills through a cringeworthy recording of an early prospect call. She realized she was too focused on her agenda, her image, and her goals.

The transformation

1. Mindset

  • Every conversation is an opportunity to improve listening.

2. Before the conversation

  • Set an intention: "I am here to deeply listen."

3. During the conversation

  • Constantly check if she is still listening.

4. After the Conversation:

  • Reflect on how well she practiced deep listening.

The impact was that prospects and clients started asking, "How can I buy?" without her trying too hard.

How about you - Are you a good listener?

Common sales mistakes to avoid

Samantha Keith highlights common mistakes sales pros need to avoid:

  • Pitching before understanding the prospect’s role, struggles, and goals.

  • Talking 90%+ during introductions.

  • Sharing the history of your company but leaving the meeting without knowing anything about the prospect.

  • Selling goods and services that may not fit the client's needs.

  • Being too anxious to get a point in instead of just listening.

  • Doing a quick search about the prospect and thinking you've done enough to understand their business.

Let’s change the sales game. Listen. Understand. Relate. Provide real solutions. Avoid these mistakes and stop selling!



Navin Jaitly: It all starts with being a powerful listener.

Mike Hershkovitz: Listening vs. Replying: A Sales Perspective

Steven Zavaski: The #1 skill to level up your sales game

HubSpot: Active listening guide



"There is a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak."

Simon Sinek



Don’t be that guy 😂


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