end ghosting 💔

How to make sure prospects show up - with Mike, Martin & Steven

end ghosting 💔

Daily Sales Newsletter

October 02, 2024


Hey, this is SalesDaily. It delivers sales insights like pouring coffee into your cup – strong, invigorating, and ready to get things done.

In today’s issue:

  • Martin Roth: Ghostbuster playbook

  • Steven Wallace: Understanding ghosting

  • P. Dillon Tucker: Handling no-shows

  • Mike Gallardo: 2 email templates

The Ghostbuster Playbook

There’s a lot you can do to reduce no-shows

Martin Roth reveals that 60% of B2B SaaS deals are lost to "no decision" rather than competitors.

To combat this, he developed the Ghostbuster playbook:

  1. Establish value early

    Ghosting happens when prospects don't see value. In your initial calls, diagnose their business issues and position yourself as the ideal partner to solve them. Clearly outline the problem, solutions, and desired outcomes.

  2. Set next steps

    End every meeting by scheduling the next one. If a prospect hesitates, uncover any objections that might lead to ghosting.

  3. Immediate follow-up

    If a meeting is missed or canceled last minute, follow up right away. This indicates potential second thoughts about the value of your relationship.

  4. Address objections directly

    When you reconnect, confirm their commitment to evaluating your product. Use phrases like, "So that we can align our resources with your intention to move forward..." This emphasizes partnership equality and sincerity in evaluation.

  5. Encourage honesty

    It's better for prospects to say "no" than to leave you hanging. Understanding their reasons helps you improve future engagements.

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Understanding ghosting in sales

Steven Wallace knows that being ghosted by a prospect can be frustrating.

He suggests that understanding why it happens can make handling it easier:

  • Recognize common reasons: Prospects might ghost you for reasons like high cost, lack of understanding, no perceived benefit, dislike for the salesperson, or bad timing. These are the same reasons you might have ghosted someone before.

  • Empathize with prospects: Use your understanding of these reasons to approach the situation with empathy. Reach out in a way that acknowledges their perspective.

  • Communicate openly: Send a message or call them with honesty and openness. For example:

    Hey [Prospect's Name], after our last meeting you mentioned needing a week. I've reached out several times since then without a response. This usually means I made a mistake, priorities changed, or it's not the right time. Where should we go from here?

  • Encourage honesty: Allow them to be honest about their reasons for not responding. This approach can save you mental energy and help you appear less desperate.

Handling no-shows on discovery calls

P. Dillon Tucker provides advice on handling no-shows for discovery calls:

  • Act fast: Respond quickly when someone misses a call. Respect their time and yours by acknowledging their absence without taking it personally.

  • Be persistent: Follow up multiple times within the first 48 hours. This can help jog their memory and show your dedication.

  • Offer flexibility: Suggest alternative meeting times that fit their schedule and time zone.

  • Use voicemail: If they don’t show up, call them during the scheduled time and leave a brief voicemail.

  • Send a reminder: Bump the calendar invite with a note acknowledging that things can come up unexpectedly.

Follow-up email template:

Subject: Our call today at [Time]

Hi [Prospect Name], We had a call scheduled today at [Time] but missed you.

Understandable things come up. Let's reschedule.

I know you're in [City]—does [Day] or [Day] at [Time] work for you?

Cheers, [Your Name]


Mike Gallardo: 2 email frameworks

Imran Mitha: How to make sure they actually show up

James Tuckerman: Want to boost your show up rate?

Gregory Martignoni: I got ghosted 95% of the time on LinkedIn

Partnering with these newsletters:

Check them out!


"While you have your prospect on the phone, ask them to accept the calendar invitation there and then."

Nia Woodhouse



Don’t be that guy 😂


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P.S. Last Saturday, just launched my new newsletter on mastering LinkedIn - if you missed it, you can read it here.