LinkedIn mastery ๐Ÿ“š

Start conversations with your prospects - tips from Brynne, Daniel & Colin

LinkedIn mastery ๐Ÿ“š

Daily Sales Newsletter

October 03, 2024


Hey, this is SalesDaily. It delivers sales insights like pouring coffee into your cup โ€“ strong, invigorating, and ready to get things done.

In todayโ€™s issue:

  • Brynne Tillman: Trust-based conversations

  • Mandy McEwen: 5ร—5ร—5 method

  • Daniel Disney: LinkedIn predictions for 2025

  • Melissa Gaglione: What to post?

Starting trust-based conversations

Are you using LinkedIn to its full potential?

The Making Sales Social Podcast, hosted by Brynne Tillman, Stan Robinson Jr., and Bob Woods, explains how to start trust-based conversations with second-degree connections on LinkedIn:

  1. Leverage mutual connections: Use your network to build credibility and avoid cold calls. Reference shared connections to start conversations.

  2. Lead with value: Offer insights or resources instead of pitching products right away. This approach builds trust and credibility.

  3. Maintain trust: Keep trust with both the mutual connection and the new contact. Express gratitude and aim to make the referrer look good.

  4. Focus on helping: Shift focus from selling to helping prospects. This mindset attracts more opportunities and mitigates the negative reputation of salespeople.

  5. Use LinkedIn tools: Utilize filters to find second-degree connections worth reaching out to. Approach mutual connections for introductions through brief conversations.

  6. Offer reciprocity: When asking for introductions, offer access to your network in return. This fosters a collaborative relationship.

Increase your visibility

In a recent LinkedIn post, Mandy McEwen shared her 5ร—5ร—5 method to increase visibility with prospects:

  • Identify 5 target accounts: Focus on accounts that are crucial for your success.

  • Find 5 key people: Look for active LinkedIn users within these accounts, including decision-makers and influencers.

  • Leave 5 insightful comments: Engage with their posts by offering valuable insights to appear in their feed.

Predictions: LinkedIn in 2025

Daniel Disney outlines key strategies for enhancing social selling on LinkedIn in 2025:

  • Craft engaging hooks: Start posts with captivating sentences to grab attention amid increasing content competition.

  • Use the LinkedIn button: Premium members can add a button to direct users to websites. Enhance this with Linktree for multiple links.

  • Promote internal advocacy: Encourage colleagues to engage with each other's posts. Use tools like Slack or WhatsApp for sharing links and create leaderboards to motivate participation.

  • Diversify messaging: Use written, audio, and video messages to reach different preferences. If there's no response, follow up with a different message type.

  • Enhance personalization: Go beyond basic personalization by researching profiles and company activities for more relevant messages.

  • Address objections with content: Create content that tackles common objections, such as price concerns, by focusing on value instead.

  • Stay consistent: Schedule daily LinkedIn activities in your calendar to ensure regular engagement and content sharing.


Melissa Gaglione: How do I start posting on LinkedIn

Darren McKee: How you book meetings with Fortune 50 execs

Colin Gallagher: The 4 daily LinkedIn tasks to generate B2B sales

Haris Halkic: Best posts from Morgan J Ingram on Prospecting & LinkedIn 

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"Active participation on LinkedIn is the best way to say, 'Look at me!' without saying 'Look at me!"

Bobby Darnell



Donโ€™t be that guy ๐Ÿ˜‚


Who are these new people ๐Ÿ˜…#Meme #MemeCut

P.S. Last Saturday, just launched my new newsletter on mastering LinkedIn - if you missed it, you can read it here.


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